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Roys ride out to Varberg, nearly?
26 jun, 22:52 3 kommentarer
Secret ride out to? Even I did not know where we were going as I took the task of leading the 20 HOGers to Nearly Varberg. Tolk the back roads through Kållered, Lindome then some twisty turny roads out in the middle of nowhere with our destination at Burger King/ Asian food where the group split to their choice of hamburger or noodles. Group made up of some regulars and some new members, list too long to name everybody. You know who you are. Look at the picture. It was a joy to lead this group and I would like to thank everyone for a really pleasant ride out even with a couple of wrong turns, maybe that was the Hemligt?
Christer "Crippa" Nygren 26 jun, 23:22
Thank you Roy for a nice ride in fabulous wheather!
Peter Brylde 27 jun, 06:07
Great evening!
Fredrik Norsted 27 jun, 07:20
Thanks for the ride and see you soon again!